World Reef Day

World Reef Day

The 4th annual World Reef Day marks the beginning of World Oceans Month. World Reef Day aims to help educate the world on how we can all act in our everyday lives for the better treatment of the world’s oceans and coral reefs.

Here at Nautica, we love the sea and embody the inspiration of the sea in every single one of our designs, so with this in mind, it’s important to us that our Oceans and Reefs are treated with care and importance so that our delicate ecosystem can thrive for generations to come.

Coral Reefs are the homes to a variety of marine life such as sea stars, sea urchins, sea horses and many species of fish which need the reefs to survive. Like any ecosystem, coral reefs can resist and adapt to certain impacts, but the combination of changes in the temperature, pollution, and declining water quality means that the damage created towards coral reefs and the ocean could become irreversible.

We can help to preserve the coral reefs and the oceans by making small, simple changes in our everyday lives. These include:

  • Recycling and disposing of rubbish properly – marine debris can be harmful to coral reefs and marine life.
  • Don’t send harmful chemicals into our oceans – fertilizers increase algae growth, blocking out much needed sunlight to corals.
  • Conserve water – the less water you runoff, the more water finds its way back into the oceans.
  • Choose sunscreen wisely – some sunscreens use chemicals which can harm marine life.

This World Reef Day, remember that it’s important to preserve and look after our oceans as they are a vital part of our ecosystem and world.

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